bitrix (11) 1C (10) vTiger (9) JS (7) Bitrix24 (7) php (6) ERP (5) Asterisk (4) CRM (4) WMS (4) moodle (4) WordPress (3) BigData (3) simplaCMS (3) GoLang (2) magento (2) optimization (2) shopify (2) joomla (2) WebAssyst (2) ↵ Show all
vTiger CRM and SimplaCMS site dev.

Automation of invoices, payments import, pricings, email requests processing, leads generation, printed documents preparation. Asterisk telephony integration. Data exchange with 1C ( ERP ), web-site. Logistic planning interactive map. Product images similarity calculation algorithm. As a result of improvements many business KPIs have been increased: requests number processed by manager, warehouse turnover, etc. Algorithm of multiworded goods names declination ( paid replace )
#vTiger #ERP #WMS #CRM #Asterisk #simplaCMS - Electrical products wholesale supply, b2b-bases

vTiger 7 CRM deployment for large logistic company

Leads, deals processing and tasks control automatization. Asterisk telephony. Additional business entities modules creation. SOAP integration with IBM Lotus Notes. --- Custom field types. Universal mechanism for setting field relationships. Dynamic interface improvements for convenient information representation.
#vTiger #Asterisk #SOAP - International transport company

Consulting and development of add-on reports for corporate system on B24. Exchange with 1C

Reports for control managers and operators activities, sales volume, customer's debts, calculation of salary, bonuses. Data interchange between corporate CRM system ( Bitrix24 ) and 1C7, 1C8. Interaction with telephony ( Asterisk )
#Bitrix24 #1C #Asterisk #ERP
Environmental safety, waste disposal services

vTiger CRM support and modifications. Asterisk and 1C ERP integration.

Module for importing payments from 1C ERP. Asterisk telephony integration. Automatic contracts pdf forms generation based on doc templates. Report for monitoring invoices, payments and uploading data to 1C. App for import to 1C.
#vTiger #1C #Asterisk
Procurement education center