bitrix (11) 1C (10) vTiger (9) JS (7) Bitrix24 (7) php (6) ERP (5) Asterisk (4) CRM (4) WMS (4) moodle (4) WordPress (3) BigData (3) simplaCMS (3) GoLang (2) magento (2) optimization (2) shopify (2) joomla (2) WebAssyst (2) ↵ Show all
Calculator of customs payments and shipping costs

Customs payments calculator ( duty, excise ) on the basis of customs operations statistics. Joomla Components. Cross-border goods delivery rates aggregator, based on transport companies APIs.
Customs clearance of goods, international logistics

Consulting and development of add-on reports for corporate system on B24. Exchange with 1C

Reports for control managers and operators activities, sales volume, customer's debts, calculation of salary, bonuses. Data interchange between corporate CRM system ( Bitrix24 ) and 1C7, 1C8. Interaction with telephony ( Asterisk )
#Bitrix24 #1C #Asterisk #ERP
Environmental safety, waste disposal services

Interactive floor maps of shopping centers

Creation of floor plans for "French boulevard", "5 lakes", "CityMall", "London-Mall" etc Modules for popular CMS ( joomla, wordpress )
#joomla #WordPress #maps
Commercial property management in Saint-Petersburg

Bitrix24 API app for import data transfer from cloud CRM

Transmitting data about leads, contacts, tasks, calls and linked comments
Lasertag equipment manufacturer

NKN and mysterium nodes installer by certain algorithm

Installation system linked to opensource nkn node monitoring system, written in GoLang using wasm in the browser. SOCKS5 proxy usage. Running php scripts directly from go code using
#GoLang #crypto #php #wasm #JS
NKN and mysterium nodes net holder

Speed optimization and security audit of bitrix e-store

BITRIX "Composite Site" caching technology implementing. Mechanism of adding products to favorites above the cache. Searching and fixing of security vulnerabilities.
#bitrix #optimization
Known jewelry store chain in Russia

Boolean truth table analyzer

Interface for constructing minimal disjunctive and conjunctive forms of boolean functions, given in the form of a truth table.
#JS #math

Plugin for displaying color counters based on presaved filters

#vTiger #php
Window installation company

Modification of mass actions and archiving mechanism of Bitrix24

Climate equipment

Private b24 integration app with MS Access through MySql

B24 API php app for two direction integration with MS Access database through intermediate MySql. Use of triggers and onupdate fields. Access and MySQL communication via MySQL ODBC 8.0 Driver. The solution was also used in conjunction with MsSql. Can be used as public multi-tenant app. Modification time control for incremental updates and number reduction of sync B24 api requests. Sync of companies, contacts, leads, tasks, deals and its positions. Most B24 field types support. It is made universally - not hard to add any b24 entity. Own api, authorization library.
Spain b24 crm agency.